I highly recommend a live online workshop happening this weekend! It is a wonderful opportunity to learn about what self-compassion really is, and to develop tools for practicing it in your own life. The workshop is offered by Dr. Kristen Neff, a well-respected expert who has dedicated her career to researching and teaching about self-compassion. I especially recommend this workshop because it is a rare opportunity to begin exploring this important topic live with Dr. Neff with a minimal commitment of time and money. We ALL benefit from exercising self-compassion. Most of us could use more self compassion, but the workshop might be especially useful for those who experienced neglect, abuse, chronic criticism, or other types of emotional disconnection from their caregivers in childhood. It would also be particularly beneficial for folks suffering from perfectionism; those who have experienced lasting effects from trauma; and anyone who suffers from a harsh, active inner critic. January 25th 9:00 AM to 12:15 PM Pacific REGISTER HERE:
self-compassion.org/event/self-compassion-essentials-workshop-jan-25th-2025/?utm_source=ActiveCampaign&utm_medium=email&utm_content=Last%20Chance%20to%20Join%20Me%20for%20My%20Self-Compassion%20Essentials%20Workshop%21&utm_campaign=Last%20Minute%20Reminder%20-%20Self-Compassion%20Essentials%20Workshop Clinicians can earn continuing education credits for attending. What do Spelling Bee, Crafting, and Mango Lassis have in common? Nothing. But they are some highlights from my first week of Dry January! If you considered participating in Dry January this year, but you were unsure about it, or you missed the "start date", it's not too late to jump in! I wanted to write this post to share with you a free Dry January resource I learned about yesterday. But first, an admission. Although I am fully committed to Dry January this year, I did find myself enjoying a pint of IPA at a restaurant on the very first day, January 1. Oops! At that moment, it would have been easy to say "Eh... never mind" to Dry January. After all, my drinking patterns fall squarely within the the “moderate drinking” guidelines. Is it really necessary for me to take a month off? In a January 3, 2025 report (link at the end of this post), U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy made a strong case for all alcohol users to consider the elevated cancer risk we assume by drinking alcohol. Calling for cancer warning labels on alcohol products, he laid out some of the lesser-known facts (among lay people) about the link between alcohol consumption over time and the increased risk for certain cancers such as mouth, breast, colon, liver, esophagus, and larnyx. For example, studies have shown that regularly drinking 1 drink per day, which is within moderate drinking guidelines, increases a person’s risk of breast cancer by 10%. While the scientific findings are not new, our knowledge base is growing, and polls suggest that less than half of Americans are aware of any link between alcohol and cancer! After my New Year's Day pint, I re-committed to 30 days without alcohol, and simply moved my start date to January 2. There's still plenty of time to join in if you're interested! A Dry January Resource for You A plan and conceptual framework for Dry January is useful, especially if you are someone who uses alcohol in a habitual way. To increase your chances of success, and help you make the most out of your period of abstinence, I recommend Bay Area psychotherapist Jeanette Hu's Dry January Toolkit. Jeanette is offering it for free here, and it contains links to additional free and paid resources and programs at the end if you want more: drive.google.com/file/d/1pe5Hwuf3RIKIcLj4vgNrytA6T1Y5lVKa/view?pli=1 One of the core messages in the toolkit is that it's not just about getting through the month without alcohol. It's about identifying what functions alcohol plays in our lives, and choosing and cultivating corresponding, lasting “keystone habits” to replace alcohol. This approach increases our chances of successfully completing the Dry January (and enjoying it!). But more importantly, it encourages us to manage our moods and meet our needs more skillfully and with greater flexibility. This gives us tools we need to move towards less alcohol consumption over the longterm, and eventually on to full abstinence for those who decide to ultimately eliminate it. This week I’ve been enjoying finishing a crafting project, and getting back into word games like crossword puzzles and the New York Time’s Spelling Bee (here's a free version for those who don't subscribe to the Times). I find these games quietly relaxing, with just enough mental challenge to help me shift my mindset at the end of the work day. I get small dopamine hits when I come up with words, and I often become absorbed enough to stop focusing on any negative thoughts or worries that might be nagging at me. I loved these games during the first year of the pandemic, and it's been fun to bring them back for January. Perhaps you can remember some positive coping strategies you used during the Pandemic (besides alcohol) for stress management, self-soothing, relaxation, entertainment, etc. I’ve also been trying new recipes this week, such as an interesting variation on the Mango Lassi which calls for a dose of rose water. Dry January is obviously an ideal time to explore and expand our repertoire of nonalcoholic beverages to enjoy - and, unlike alcohol, we can share these drinks with our under-21 children. Every day doesnt necessarily afford the time and energy for kitchen creativity, so I'm also stocking up on quick grabs like herbal teas and flavored carbonated waters. Maybe next week will bring delicious mocktails or new variations on smoothies. When alcohol is off the table, many of us benefit from practicing relaxation and mindfulness practices to take the place of chemical relaxation. Feel free to browse my past blogposts for ideas and instructions in Mindfulness, meditation, breathing techniques, and more! Note: if you are overwhelmed by your relationship with alcohol or need support in making changes, please contact me, or reach out to SAMHSA's 24/7 National Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357). Related Links U.S. Surgeon General's Report:
https://www.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/oash-alcohol-cancer-risk.pdf A free version of the Spelling Bee game (for those who don't subscribe to the New York Times) spellbee.org Mango Lassi with Rose and Cardamom recipe: https://littleferrarokitchen.com/mango-rose-lassi/#wprm-recipe-container-5673 Don't underestimate these simple but effective practices... - Reduce stress - Decrease anxiety - Stop impending panic attacks - Increase sleep readiness - Get relief quickly - Build confidence in yourself to handle overwhelming feelings Belly Breathing/ Straw Breathing: (see also my prior post about the breathing necklace) 1. Inhale through your nose (this gives you much more oxygen than inhaling through your mouth). Move the air deep down into your abdomen, rather than breathing more shallow breaths into your chest. 2. Exhale through puckered lips, as if whistling or blowing out a candle. 3. Repeat for 2-5+ minutes Balanced Breathing: 1. Inhale slowly & fully through your nose at a comfortable pace. Count how long it takes. (2. Pause if you wish) 3. Now exhale through pursed lips for the same number of counts (4. Pause if you wish) 5. Repeat this slow breathing and matching the count of your inhales & exhales. As you get more relaxed, you will likely be able to lengthen the count. 4-7-8 Breathing: -Inhale for 4 counts -Hold for 7 counts -Exhale for 8 counts -Repeat for 2-5+ mins Box Breathing (for concentration + relaxation): -Inhale for 4 -Hold for 4 -Exhale for 4 -Hold for 4 -Repeat for 2-5+ minutes Slow Exhale (excellent for sleep): 1. Take a robust, full breath through your nose, filling your lungs with air (*Some like to pause here at the top of the breath) 2. Exhale through pursed lips for about 8 counts, or as slow & long as possible. As you exhale, let your shoulders drop away from your ears and release tension 3. Rest for a few seconds before repeating the cycle Alternate Nostril Breathing: (Mouth remains closed) 1. Pinch one nostril shut while inhaling through the other 2. Pause/hold for a few seconds, and “switch the pinch” 3. Then exhale through your open nostril 4. Without switching your pinch, inhale through same nostril 5. Hold your breath and switch the pinch 6. Exhale through your open nostril Return to step 4, and repeat for 2-5+ minutes There are so many apps for breathing practice, but here are a few I recommend: iBreathe For Box Breath; 4-7-8; and self-customized guided breathing. Apple: https://www.jadelizardsoftware.com/ibreathe Android: https://baixarapk.gratis/en/app/1296605806/ibreathe-relax-and-breathe Oak Has Box Breath; simple 4-7-8. Headspace A meditation app with other features including breathing exercises. What is one of the best things we can do when we're stressed, overwhelmed, or anxious?
Intentional breathing practices. Enter the "breathing necklace"! I love this thing. It's a handy contraption that assists you in doing what is sometimes called "straw breathing." Straw breathing is a process of exhaling very slowly through pursed lips in order to calm oneself and trigger the relaxation response, which we can think of as the opposite of the fight-or-flight response. The relaxation response engages our parasympathetic nervous system, lowering blood pressure and increasing a sense of well-being. Straw breathing can easily be done without the necklace, but I like the sensory element of the breathing necklace. When you exhale through it, it makes a quiet wind-type sound, which I find soothing. For those of you who have taken yoga classes, the sound reminds me a bit of Ujjayi Pranayama or "Darth Vader Breath." The metal is cool and smooth to the touch. The small opening shapes your mouth as narrow as it needs to be to make the straw breathing easy and effective. Some breathing necklaces like this one pictured even have a "fidget" feature for those who like to have something to touch and play with. As a parent, I also find this necklace useful in those times when I need to get calm and decide how I want to respond to something my child says or does that pushes my buttons. In this case, I appreciate the necklace keeping my mouth "occupied" while I think before I speak. Because it is small and hangs on a long chain, it's easy to tuck in under your shirt if you dont want it showing. One of the benefits of wearing the necklace is that it reminds you with its physical presence that at any given moment in the day, you always have an easy way to reduce stress and anxiety, and increase mindfulness. It's right at the tips of your fingers. Find this online wherever you like to shop by searching terms like "breathing necklace for anxiety." It's common knowledge and well-supported by research:
Meditation has innumerable benefits for our mental & physical wellbeing. The app I recommend most to my clients is the Calm app. Kaiser members can enjoy a nice benefit: a free year of Calm Premium. To access this benefit, simply visit this link, click "Try Calm", sign in to your Kaiser account when prompted, and you're in! https://healthy.kaiserpermanente.org/health-wellness/mental-health/tools-resources/digital A quick tip for stressful times...
Do you use white noise or nature sounds to help you sleep, focus, or self-soothe? Are you a cat lover? Then you might enjoy PURRLI - the "white noise purr generator." :) It's free here! https://purrli.com/ At first, I was just intrigued by the cute idea, and I thought my neurotic cat might benefit from it. But when I listened through my earbuds, I was struck by how instantly soothed I felt! It was visceral, really. It makes sense. Purring is understood as both a way for cats to self-soothe, and an attachment behavior that conveys pleasure and comfort in the presence of another. Some PURRLI users report relief from anxiety and panic attacks. Others use it to sleep, or to help them cope with grief after losing a beloved pet. Enjoy! My friend’s mother died last week. She said goodbye to her on Facetime. My friend and her seven-year-old son held the phone with shaky hands- and they sang and cried and said goodbye. Her husband sat close and cried. Their son did not understand what was happening. Neither did my friend. Neither did her husband.
My mom is still here. But I miss her. When this is over, we will be different –my mom and I. We used to believe there was solid ground. When my mom and I finally run toward each other, we will check each step. We will expect tremors. When this is over, our children will be different. They have seen the worst of us. They know now that we don’t know. That we don’t know how to save them. That sometimes we do know--but we don’t do it. When this is over -- we will all be different. Let Us Vow to Stay Different. In the after: Let us keep our to-do lists shorter. Let us keep our grudges shorter. Our patience, our visits, our naps, our laughter, our embraces--Let’s make them longer. In the after, let us refuse to be tricked again into believing that We are what we get done. We are who we align with, who we hate, what we reject, what we have and consume and produce and save and spend and claim. No We Are Who And What We Love. That is all we’ve ever been and that is all we’ll ever be. We are our mothers and our fathers and our friends and our sisters and our brothers and our grandparents and our grandchildren and our children and our books and our pets and our neighbors and our couches and our sunsets and that long walk down that one path where the light slices through the trees just right and reminds us of magic. When this is over, we will be different. Let us vow to Stay different. Let us remember Who We Are. And to those of you who say: “We won’t remember. We will go back to ‘normal.’ People always do.” To those I say: You don’t know us. We’ve missed our people. We’ve missed everything. We are different. *sometimes, in the evenings especially - the energy it takes to be angry is gone. Then, there is just sadness. I understand. Me too. -Glennon Doyle How has your experience of the pandemic changed you? Have any of your priorities shifted? In what ways do you hope to "stay different" as life eventually moves back to normal? The global pandemic continues to play out....
At this point, I think a lot of us are having alternating periods of better days and worse days, shifting moods and concerns, and - hopefully - blocks of time or whole days where we feel ok or even content. Some folks are, of course, struggling more than others, and if this applies to you, my heart goes out to you! Our feelings are all real and natural, given what we're going through! Enter trauma... For folks with trauma histories, though, there can be more to this picture. There may be a sense of re-traumatization as they are faced with emotions that harken back to previous traumas they have survived. The current global stressors of uncertainty, fear, loneliness, isolation, conflict at home, lack of financial or food security, and/or upset at our "fathers" and "mothers" in government for failing to protect us - all of these can consciously or unconsciously trigger old feelings from prior traumas, and infuse this experience with extra intensity. "Big T" and "Little T" Trauma We ALL have "little T" traumas, and many (if not most) of us have "Big T" traumas too. Big T's are things we all recognize as trauma, like abuse, rape, having someone close to you die, witnessing a traumatic incident, growing up in extreme poverty, and so forth. I think of Little T's as events that are more subjective and specific to yourself and your particular life experiences and temperament. These events might seem more subtle, random, or benign to someone else, but you recognize them as having had significant symbolic power or psychological impact upon you. For example, something that caused you to feel deep shame as a child may leave an indelible mark, whereas another child with a different personality and history may laugh off the same event and never think of it again. Or maybe your father once slapped you, and despite his apology and a lack of any lasting physical mark, you recognize that psychologically, this was a turning point in your life. Trauma and the pandemic - taking inventory Our reactions to this pandemic can sometimes be taken at face value, and other times, we may sense that there is something else "adding to" what is happening in the present. During this period of ongoing sheltering at home and experiencing the pandemic unfolding, if you find yourself struggling or feeling intense emotions, you might find it helpful to ask yourself, "Could any of my past traumas be playing a part in how I'm feeling and behaving right now?" For example, if you're really preoccupied with FEAR, what is another situation(s) in which you felt significant fear in your life? If tension or CONFLICT in your home right now is deeply troubling you, consider other relationships or living situations in your past when you were exposed to significant anger or conflict. Making the connection and getting support Connecting your feelings in the present to significant experiences in the past, when relevant, can be helpful for self-understanding, processing your feelings, and possibly reducing the intensity of your emotions as you consciously de-fuse the present from the past. Please ask for emotional support from loved ones, or a therapist or other trusted supportive person, and try to cultivate that healing attitude of self-compassion. HBO is providing free entertainment for April!
TV and movies have an important value for us during the pandemic. We can use it as a "healthy dissociation" that allows us to take a break from news, anxious thoughts, and overwhelming emotions. It's not healthy for us to spend too much time in a heightened state of anxiety without a break. We need a variety of tools to helps us find relief, or self-regulation. So go ahead and watch more than usual if you like! https://decider.com/2020/04/02/hbo-shows-watch-free-online/ Here's a helpful article that describes and shares links to videos for 10 calming breathing exercises. Don't underestimate the power of the breath to help us cope with overwhelming emotions and challenging situations! In these anxious times when we lack control over some of the events happening around us, we can empower and arm ourselves with tools that help us regulate our bodies and turn down our anxious mental chatter. It's helpful to practice these in a calm state to find what works well for you. That way, if you find yourself overwhelmed with powerful feelings, you will be ready and familiar with the tools so you can use them effectively when you most need them.
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January 2025
AuthorMaysie Tift is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Certified Master Hypnotist who sees clients in her San Rafael, CA office and online. |