Don't underestimate these simple but effective practices... - Reduce stress - Decrease anxiety - Stop impending panic attacks - Increase sleep readiness - Get relief quickly - Build confidence in yourself to handle overwhelming feelings Belly Breathing/ Straw Breathing: (see also my prior post about the breathing necklace) 1. Inhale through your nose (this gives you much more oxygen than inhaling through your mouth). Move the air deep down into your abdomen, rather than breathing more shallow breaths into your chest. 2. Exhale through puckered lips, as if whistling or blowing out a candle. 3. Repeat for 2-5+ minutes Balanced Breathing: 1. Inhale slowly & fully through your nose at a comfortable pace. Count how long it takes. (2. Pause if you wish) 3. Now exhale through pursed lips for the same number of counts (4. Pause if you wish) 5. Repeat this slow breathing and matching the count of your inhales & exhales. As you get more relaxed, you will likely be able to lengthen the count. 4-7-8 Breathing: -Inhale for 4 counts -Hold for 7 counts -Exhale for 8 counts -Repeat for 2-5+ mins Box Breathing (for concentration + relaxation): -Inhale for 4 -Hold for 4 -Exhale for 4 -Hold for 4 -Repeat for 2-5+ minutes Slow Exhale (excellent for sleep): 1. Take a robust, full breath through your nose, filling your lungs with air (*Some like to pause here at the top of the breath) 2. Exhale through pursed lips for about 8 counts, or as slow & long as possible. As you exhale, let your shoulders drop away from your ears and release tension 3. Rest for a few seconds before repeating the cycle Alternate Nostril Breathing: (Mouth remains closed) 1. Pinch one nostril shut while inhaling through the other 2. Pause/hold for a few seconds, and “switch the pinch” 3. Then exhale through your open nostril 4. Without switching your pinch, inhale through same nostril 5. Hold your breath and switch the pinch 6. Exhale through your open nostril Return to step 4, and repeat for 2-5+ minutes There are so many apps for breathing practice, but here are a few I recommend: iBreathe For Box Breath; 4-7-8; and self-customized guided breathing. Apple: Android: Oak Has Box Breath; simple 4-7-8. Headspace A meditation app with other features including breathing exercises. Comments are closed.
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January 2025
AuthorMaysie Tift is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Certified Master Hypnotist who sees clients in her San Rafael, CA office and online. |